The Rampart Regiment is open to students who display a highly proficient standard of music and marching performance, as accepted by the instructional staff. Sectional rehearsals begin at the beginning of and last throughout the summer. Marching season continues throughout the first nine to ten weeks of the school year. Performances for the Marching Band include, but are not limited to, all home varsity football games, pep rallies, parades, and marching competitions throughout the season.
The Rampart Regiment performed “The Ecstasy of Emerald” show in the 2023 Colorado Bandmasters Association (CBA) Marching season. The Regiment took 1st Place at Colorado South Regionals and 5th Place at State with a score of 81.40.
What is marching season like?
Mini Band Camp
The Rampart Regiment marching band season officially begins with a mini band camp. This happens at the end of the school year in late May/Early June. During mini band camp, all members of the Rampart Regiment will meet from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in a fun, how-to and hands on approach to learning about the marching band experience. All students should plan to attend. New members will meet their section leaders, have instruments distributed, receive show music, and play together for the first time!
Mini Band camp is the ideal way to start the marching band season. You get to know people and what to expect. It gives you insight to all the fun you are going to have. – Rampart Regiment Student
Summer Sectionals
During the month of June and July weekly sections will be scheduled. The philosophy is that if you’re in town, you need to be at these sectionals. However, if you are on vacation or otherwise out of town – enjoy your summer vacation.
Mandatory Marching Band Camp
The mandatory marching band camp typically happens the 3 weeks prior to the start of school and lasts for 2 weeks. These all-day rehearsals are used to continue honing fundamental skills, rehearsing show music, learning drill, and beginning the process of adding details to the show on the field.
Regular Season Rehearsals
Students should plan to be at rehearsal, ready with all required materials and to begin warm up at the beginning time of class or after-school rehearsal. The fifteen minutes after rehearsal may reserved for announcements, equipment tear-down, and brief meeting with staff/section leaders/coaches. Pick up time for students will either be end of school day or approximately fifteen minutes after published rehearsals end times.
Football Games
The Rampart Regiment performs in the stands and on the field during each of the Rampart High School varsity home football games. Home football games are scheduled at the D20 Football Stadium, adjacent to Liberty High School. Most games are conducted on Friday evenings, with occasional games on Thursday or Saturday. The Rampart Regiment plays pep music in the stands during the first and second quarter. Then performs the marching show during half time and enjoys snacks (provided by the Band Boosters) in third quarter; returning to the stands to play pep music for the fourth quarter.
Marching Band competitions are all-day events. Most competitions are a two performance, preliminaries/finals format.
I love being a part of the Rampart Regiment, it has given me great friends and confidence in myself. It is a great way to gain a good work ethic and work hard to produce show that we are proud of! – Rampart Regiment Student
2024 Rampart Regiment Student and Parent Handbook
2024 Rampart Regiment Detailed Calendar
Interested in joining the Rampart Regiment? Please contact us here!