Rampart Band Booster Board

2025 Rampart Band Booster (RBB) Executive Board of Directors

All RBB board positions serve January – December of each year. They are nominated and then elected to their positions by member vote. Board Members are asked to attend both the monthly Band Booster Meeting and stay for the Executive Board Meeting, immediately after. The Executive Board Positions and the 2024 Executive Board of Directors are:
• President/Communications Director – Barbara Mills: Works with the Directors to support the success of the Rampart High School Instrumental Music (RIM) program and creates a sustainable system for future boards. This includes overseeing the functions of all the board members, providing direction and support as needed, managing communications, and facilitating monthly meetings.
• First Vice President – Administration – Rob Graham: Supports primarily in coordinating the volunteer needs of the RIM program. This includes working with the Director and other board members to establish need, train parents, provide support in MMO/volunteer registration platforms, and at various events.
• Second Vice President – Programming – Heather Welfare: Supports primarily the logistical needs of the RIM program. This includes working with the Director and other Board Members to determine needs for props, transportation, and travel logistics.
• Third Vice President – Fundraising – Kim Graeff: Supports the RIM program by facilitating /coordinating Corporate Sponsorships, as well as multiple fundraising opportunities to support the financial requirements of the band program and reduce student fees.
• Treasurer – Florida Wogaman: Supports and coordinates accounting requirements for the RIM program. This includes working with the Directors and other board members to establish a working budget, maintain the various line items within the overall budget, work with banks and vendors on accounts payable/receivable, and provide annual tax support.
• Secretary –Colleen Conlin: Supports the program by taking and coordinating finalization of meeting minutes for the monthly meetings and posting them in the RBB systems repository.
• Parliamentarian – Shera Schloesser: Supports the program by regulating and facilitating the monthly meetings and maintaining/updating Bylaws, as needed.

2025 RBB Board Representatives/Coordinators

The RBB creates and maintains Committee Representative/Coordinator roles as part of the RBB Board. These positions provide the necessary support and management of requirements for the Rampart High School Instrumental Music Program and auxiliary units, as well as the Band Director(s) and staff to maximize their time with the students. Some of these positions are specific only to marching band, some are specific only to the ensembles, and some serve in a varied capacity. The Committee Representative/ Coordinator Positions and the 2024 Representatives/Coordinators are:
• Guard Rep (specific to Marching Band and Winter Guard) – Kim Dominic: This volunteer helps to provide support for the guard director and students. Support includes assisting with uniforms, supplies, make up, event volunteers, and communications. Winter Season involves more duties coordinating with the Coach and communicating with Winter Guard parents.
• Percussion Rep (specific to Marching Band and Winter Percussion) – Julian Flores: This volunteer helps to provide support for the percussion director and students during Marching and Winter Seasons. Support includes assisting with uniforms, supplies, transportation planning, event volunteers, and communications. Winter Season involves more duties coordinating with the Coach and communicating with Winter Percussion parents.
• Student Accounts Rep (specific to Marching Band and Winter ensembles) – Justine Baeder: This volunteer works with the Directors to develop required forms, obtain student and parent information, and manages the data for communications, tracking, reporting and in support of the various activities throughout the season(s).
• Food Coordinator (specific to Marching Band) – OPEN: This volunteer helps coordinate a team of volunteers that Booster provided meals, including food donations, needed supplies and volunteers.
• Uniform Coordinator (specific to Marching Band) – Amanda Robinson/Michelle Shah: This volunteer helps to inventory existing uniforms, measure students, order needed uniform items, monitor student uniform presentation at events, and gather and clean uniforms at the end of the season. This includes coordinating volunteers needed at band events to help students with their uniforms.
• Props Rep (specific to Marching Band and Winter ensembles) – OPEN: This volunteer works with the Directors and Coaches to review and develop viable props for the shows. This includes design, material, volunteer, and maintenance coordination.
Spirit Wear Rep (mainly specific to Marching Band and Winter ensembles) – Kim Graeff/Tara Cordova: This volunteer works with a promotional supply organization to order any spirit wear items desired for a season. They also sell and distribute the items to parents, students, family members.
• Newsletter/Communications Rep (year-round) – Barbara Mills: This volunteer coordinates key communications with the Directors, Coaches, Band Booster Boards, students, and boosters.
• Social Media/Webmaster (year-round) – Leandra Dean/Jenny Shafer: This volunteer posts any approved pictures and/or blogs, information, stories on the Rampart Band Booster social media pages. This includes coordination with the Rampart Band Booster Board to obtain a list of students who have not been approved for media release, and the Directors and President for any content.
• Photography/Videography (year-round) – Val Saisi/Tracy Aung: This volunteer documents through Photographs and videos, various band events, experiences, and people (students and families) for social media, spirit wear buttons, directories, and end of season/year celebrations.
• Concert Reception Coordinator (school-year Concert ensemble performances) – Piaf Winter-Smith: This volunteer helps support the director and students for any school-year performances relevant to their music genre. This includes coordinating and assisting with social gatherings post concerts.